New Papers in Advanced Materials and Materials Advances
Soraya's PhD work on "Biocooperative Regenerative Materials by Harnessing Blood-Clotting and Peptide Self-Assembly" published in Advanced Materials. Check out the new paper with the Alvaro Mata lab how to turn whole blood into biomaterials for 3d printing and personalised implants here.
Our collaborative work with the Matteo Palma lab, using the Nanofrazor for high-resolution patterning just came out in Materials Advances here.
We are hiring!
PDRA Project: Mechanosensing at the Cardiomyocyte Cell-Cell contacts
Applications are invited for a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant to investigate mechanical sensing in cardiac muscle cells and its involvement in cardiovascular disease.
The position will be based at the Iskratsch lab. The project is a collaboration with Prof Andrew Tinker to investigate the implications on the cardiomyocyte electrophysiology and Prof Cesare Terracciano to study this complex at tissue level using myocardial slice cultures, for which the candidate will also perform work at Imperial College London.
Please get in touch for further information or follow this link to apply!
New Paper in Advanced Science
Pamela's work on "Hypertensive pressure mechanosensing alone triggers lipid droplet accumulation and transdifferentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells to foam cells" was just accepted in Advanced Science as cover article. Read more about this here.